Albino Redwood

I was driving on HWY 36 when I remembered another albino redwood that I should take a picture of. This one is in Humboldt Grove.

As tempting as it is, dont pick the leaves! They do not dry or press as white leaves. They will look just like dead redwood leaves.

As tempting as it is, dont pick the leaves! They do not dry or press as white leaves. They will look just like dead redwood leaves.

This is what a typical albino redwood looks like. The one I posted about last week is the only one I have ever heard of or seen that is living in the canopy. Most are going to be found near the base of a tree where they can easily root into the roots of the energy producing “host” tree. Remember, if you come across albino redwood tree, leave them alone! Look with your eyes, not hands.


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